“I commissioned Colin to photograph a range of architectural plans and drawings of private banks in Georgian London for a forthcoming book on the subject. The work has been challenging given the age and condition of many of the archival materials involved, but Colin has worked with patience, skill and great attention to detail. His ability to repair and restore images that have been damaged or altered is especially noteworthy. Colin's knowledge of architectural history, combined with his technical excellence as a photographer, made him the unrivalled choice for work of this kind. The results have exceeded my expectations and Colin has been a delight to work with throughout.”
dr iain black, emeritus fellow, clare hall, university of cambridge
“We enlisted Colin’s help because the nature of our habitat restoration work is not easily appreciated from the ground without extensive walking or climbing up a nearby hill. Colin’s drone photography has been invaluable in communicating the scale and impact of such work to a much wider audience in a visually attractive and compelling way. His work has proved the somewhat cliched expression that a decent picture really is worth a 1000 words.”
Luke comins, director, tweed forum
“Colin’s photographs have greatly contributed to the quality and appeal of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland’s magazine over the years. The richness and texture of the shots demonstrate his passion for the subjects and considerable technical knowledge. When an author submits their copy, I always hope Colin has been involved, as I know the accompanying photographs will be superb.”
Abigail Daly, freelance Editor and Designer, Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland magazine
"Colin made an outstanding contribution to our book on the Scottish designer and entrepreneur Daniel Cottier, creating a series of photographs which capture the essence and atmosphere of Cottier’s stained glass and interiors. Sometimes surprising and always delightful, Colin’s photographs amplify the text and illuminate our appreciation of Cottier’s achievements."
Max Donnelly, Art Historian (Curator of nineteenth-century furniture, Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
“With Colin one gets a lot more than artistically and technically superb photographs, one gets an incredible knowledge, passion, interest and a dedication to the commission that does complete justice to the subject. In addition, it is always the greatest pleasure to work with Colin.”
“York Conservation Trust is about the past but trying hard not to be stuck in it. In 2020, our seventy-fifth year, we sought a fresh approach to capturing the essence of our historic buildings through photography and through the people who live, work and run their businesses within our portfolio of significant properties. Colin’s determination and patience to find the best in the detail of the built environment and those involved with it shines through the work.”
“We were delighted Colin accepted our major commission to photograph the investment the Heritage Fund has made over the last 25 years across the UK. Colin has a brilliant ability to capture both the image and the essence of people and place at the same time. The portfolio Colin created has given us a hugely impressive array of imagery that not only showcases our investment but demonstrates the vitality and value of heritage.
From the micro to the macro Colin has an unerring eye that can see beyond the immediate, and he conjures an especial imagery that fires the imagination of the story and the narrative that lies behind the immediacy of the photograph.
Enormously talented across a diverse spectrum of photography, Colin captured for us the natural landscape across to the historic built environment and to the character and personality of the people engaged in our projects. It is a masterclass in creating a portfolio.”
“We commissioned Colin to produce architectural photography of our completed redevelopment of the Royal College of Surgeons Museums in Edinburgh. The images were just what we were looking for and we have used them on our web site and elsewhere.”
John McAslan, executive chairman, john mcaslan + partners
"To mark Jura Consultants' 20th year we were keen to have a tangible representation of our work in our office, and we are indebted to Colin for accepting a challenging brief and exceeding our expectations. Colin's defining images of a selection of our projects have proved to be of real interest to clients, staff and fellow consultants."
“I asked Colin to take photographs of this beautiful but sadly ruinous 18th century villa and its landscape setting. These were for a variety of purposes, including fundraising. The resulting pictures, some taken at dawn, the only time when the sun reaches the main facade, were themselves beautiful and absolutely what we needed.”
Aberdeenshire Council
Airdrie Savings Bank
The Architectural Heritage Fund
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland
Beck Interiors
Dr Iain Black, Emeritus Fellow, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
Borders Forest Trust
Chitendai Ltd
The Citadel Youth Project, Leith
Alan Couper Consulting
Cowane’s Hospital Trust, Stirling
Cringletie House Hotel
Discover Scottish Gardens
Forest Carbon
Forest Direct Ltd
Form Atlarge
The GalGael Trust
Jura Consultants
LDN Architects
The Landmark Trust
The Mavisbank Trust
John McAslan + Partners
Metaphor Design
Morham + Brotchie Partnership
Morris & Steedman Associates
Richard Murphy Architects
National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly the Heritage Lottery Fund)
Page \ Park Architects
Paisley Museum
Paul Mellon Centre (Yale University)
Penicuik House Preservation Trust
Renfrewshire Council
The Ridge
Runciman Apse Trust
Scottish Historic Buildings Trust
The Secret Herb Garden
Fiona Sinclair, Architect
The Tim Stead Trust
Benjamin Tindall Architects
Tweed Forum
The Unicorn Preservation Trust
The Willow Tearooms Trust
York Conservation Trust